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Want to apply to the Youth Mental Health Corps? Share your information and interests to find the best Youth Mental Health Corps programs for you.

You must be between 18 and 29 years old to apply to a Youth Mental Health Corps Program
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Colorado Youth Mental Health Corps

Make a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of youth and young adults while exploring a career in behavioral health. Receive training during your service that will prepare you to work with peers and earn industry recognized certificates.



Career Pathways Available

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  • School-based pathway
  • Community health worker pathway

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Program start date

Fall 2024

Program Description

Through its school-based and community health worker pathways, Colorado’s Youth Mental Health Corps AmeriCorps members will provide youth mental health support and increase workforce opportunities in the behavioral health space for young adults with lived experience.

School-based stackable certification/higher education credit pathway:

Support students in high-need K-12 schools as a mental health navigator.

  • YMHC member activities may include referring students to resources, communication with stakeholders, identifying barriers to mental health services, engaging families, and developing action plans for mental health trends in schools.
  • Members receive recognized work-based training to earn certifications. Partnering with the Colorado Community College System, this pathway offers in-person and online microcredential training. This leads to an  Associate of Applied Science, with plans for a Bachelor of Applied Science.

Community health worker state certification pathway:

Serve as a community mental health navigator connecting with youth in local community based organizations.

  • YMHC member activities may include: coordinating mental health care, assisting with navigating services, providing case management and cultural mediation, offering mental health education, evaluating program curriculum, and maintaining records of youth served.
  • Members can earn a community health worker state certification by building on Colorado's existing U.S. Department of Labor-registered apprenticeship program. This expansion aims to develop a skilled, culturally competent workforce to address mental health needs in communities with limited access to services.

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Member Activities

Members in the school-based pathway will serve in high-need K-12 schools as a mental health navigator. Member activities may include:

  • Referring students to resources
  • Communication with stakeholders
  • Identifying barriers to mental health services
  • Engaging families
  • Developing action plans for mental health trends in schools

Members in the community health worker pathway will serve as a community mental health navigator to connect with youth in local community-based organizations. Member activities may include:

  • Coordinating mental health care
  • Assisting with navigating services
  • Providing case management and cultural mediation
  • Offering mental health education
  • Evaluating program curriculum
  • Maintaining records of youth served

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Member Training and Support

Members in the school-based pathway will receive work-based training to earn industry-recognized certifications.

Members in the community health worker pathway can earn a community health worker state certification through Colorado's U.S. Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program.

Essential qualifications to participate in the Colorado Youth Mental Health Corps include:


Must be 18 - 24 years old at start of service


Must have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent


Must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or Lawful Permanent Resident


Bilingual individuals are encouraged to apply

Interested in Applying?

Youth Mental Health Corps

To learn more about the Colorado Youth Mental Health Corps and how to apply, visit Serve Colorado's website.

Become a Community or State Partner

Learn more about how to become a partner to bring the Youth Mental Health to your community or to sponsor a state-wide Youth Mental Health Corps.

Press Inquiries

For press inquiries, please contact us directly and we'd be happy to assist you.